Browse Items (10 total) Tags: indistinct coin Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added United States, Virginia, , Oct 20, 1777, 1 dollar Indistinct Spanish coin reverse, Oct 20, 177[7] Tags: 1 dollar, colonial, indistinct coin, virginia Bank of Tennessee, Nashville, Nashville Branch, Tennessee, Nashville, 1861, 5 cents Indistinct coin, December 1, 1861, faded signature; imprint: J. Manouvrier N. Orleans, La. Tags: 5 cents, indistinct coin, tennessee R. Nelson, Maryland, Warfieldsburg, 1841, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, July 20, 1841; imprint: MURPHT PRINTER BALTIMORE Tags: 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland Monocacy Mills, Maryland, Monocacy Mills, 1841, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, coin inverted, Kelly plate, July 27, 1841; imprint: MURPHY, PR. BALT. Tags: 12 and half cents, error, indistinct coin, maryland City Hotel, Frederick, Maryland, Frederick, 1840, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, Kelly plate; imprint: Murphy, Print. Balt. Tags: 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland Grover & Pittinger, Maryland, Emmitsburg, 1841, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, June 10, 1841; left end off; imprint MURPHY PRINTER BALTIMORE Tags: 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland MacCubbin & Lowe, Maryland, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, 1839, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, Dec 10, 1839, Kelly plate; imprint: Murphy [] Tags: 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland City Trust Savings Institution, Maryland, Baltimore, 1840, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct coin, July 25, 1840; imprint: Murphy, Print. 146 Market street. Tags: 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland Baltimore Savings Institution, Maryland, Baltimore, 1840, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct 1 reaL, August 1, 1840, plate C, imprint: MURPHY, PRINTER. Tags: 1 real coin, 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland Baltimore Savings Institution, Maryland, Baltimore, 1840, 12 1/2 cents Indistinct 1 real, August 1, 1840, plate F, imprint: MURPHY, PRINTER. Tags: 1 real coin, 12 and half cents, indistinct coin, maryland Featured Item No featured items are available.