
Many of the books listed here may be borrowed from the library of the American Numismatic Association if you are a member.

Durand, Roger H. Obsolete Notes and Scrip of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantation.  Published by Durand in cooperation with the Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1981.  The standard reference for Rhode Island.

Elizondo, Jr, Carlos A. Eight Reales and Pesos of the New World. Second Edition. Almanzar's Coins of the World. 1971.  An important source of information about Spanish colonial eight reales.  Almanzar's is long out of business, and the availability of this book is uncertain.

Garland, Paul E. The History of Early Tennessee Banks and Their Issues. Published by Paul E. Garland. 1983. This was the standard catalog for Tennessee.  Since my collection was formed, a new book has been issued:  Tennessee Obsolete Paper Money 1800-1959 by Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom Carson.

Harris, Gordon L. New York State Scrip and Private Issues. Published by author, 2001. Does not include bank notes.

Hatie, George D. "Illustrations of Coins on Obsolete Paper Money Issued in the United States." The Numismatist. First appearing in April 1975, with continuation in May. Hatie published a supplement in the December 1981 and January 1982 issues. The articles cover notes depicting any coin, not just Spanish.

Haxby, James A. Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866. Krause Publications. 1983.  In four volumes, this is the standard reference for US obsolete bank notes.  It does not include scrip or other non-bank types of obsolete notes.

Hoober, Richard T. Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes & Scrip. Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1985. The standard catalog for Pennsylvania.

Hughes, Brent. The Saga of Sam Upham "Yankee Scoundrel".  Notorious Counterfeiters Series, Number 2.  781 Seay Road, Inman, SC 29349.  Revised edition, 1988. A 38-page booklet about this Civil War-era counterfeiter.  He counterfeited two notes that depict Spanish coins.

Hughes, Earl. Kentucky Obsolete Notes and Scrip. Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1998.

Jones, Richard and Keith Littlefield. Virginia Obsolete Paper Money. Virginia Numismatic Association, Annandale, VA. 1992. History and a catalog. A superb work.

Kelly, Denwood N., Armand M. Shank Jr., and Thomas S. Gordon. Money & Banking in Maryland. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. 1996. History and a catalog. A superb work.

Kraus, Guy Carleton. Mississippi Obsolete Bank Notes, Post Notes, Scrip and Government Issues. Society of Paper Money Collectors.  No date but 1996.

Krause, Chester L. and Clifford Mishler. Colin R. Bruce, II, editor. Standard Catalog of World Coins. Deluxe ANA Centennial Edition (19th edition).  Krause Publications, Inc. 1991. Indeed this is the standard catalog for foreign coins.  This is the most recent of the double-volume editions that begin with coinage in 1701.  Krause now publishes a separate book for coins minted 1701-1800.

Leggett, L. Candler. Mississippi Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip. Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1975.  The standard catalog for Mississippi.

Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money of America. Fifth edition.  Krause Publications, Inc. 2008.  The standard reference and catalog for colonial currency.

Rosene Jr., Walter. Alabama Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip.  Society of Paper Money Collectors.  1984.  The standard reference for Alabama.

Schilke, Oscar G. and Raphael E. Solomon. America's Foreign Coins.  The Coin and Currency Institute, Inc.  1964.  Both a scholarly work about the development of US coinage and the influence of foreign coins and a catalog of various foreign coins that once circulated in the United States.  One chapter is about obsolete notes with Spanish coins.

Stack'sNumismatic Images on American Paper Currencies.  The Lawrence R. Stack Collection.  January 15, 2008.  The auction of an important coin note collection. Find a PDF version of the catalog here.

Wait, George W. Maine Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip.  Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1977. The standard reference for Maine.

Wait, George W New Jersey's Money.  The Newark Museum.  1976.  The New Jersey book.

Wismer, D. C. Obsolete Banknotes of New York.  Sanford J. Durst.  1985.  A reprint of the original 1931 book entitled New York Descriptive List of Obsolete Paper Money.  Old but still useful.

Wolka, WendellA History of Ninetenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip.  The Society of Paper Money Collectors.  2004.  The Ohio book; exhaustive.

Wolka, Wendell A., Jack M. Vorhies, and Donald A. Schramm.  Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip.  Krause Publications for the Society of Paper Money Collectors. 1978. The standard printed catalog for Indiana.  Wolka has published a successor electronically.